In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), it is indicated that the present website is the ownership of the Real Brotherhood Womb of the Blessed Virgin of the Head (hereinafter “The Brotherhood”), a company with NIF R2300558J and address for communication purposes in Street Vendederas 20, CP 23740 Andújar (Jaén).
The Brotherhood wants to ensure the confidentiality and security of the data provided by users of the web.
To this end it is recommended that the user carefully read and, in your case, take the necessary measures with the aim that your data is not being used by unauthorized persons or unintended purposes.
The following document, that can be replaced or updated, develops the following aspects.
1. Personal information collected from the interested party
The Guild collects and processes personal data of the users (such as name, title, company name, address, telephone number, email address, and other similar) and online services that are required (type of browser that you use, the files you request, domain and country from which you request information, etc) with the purpose of providing these services in the best conditions, in accordance with their tastes and preferences and to keep you informed on various information.
The personal data of users can be obtained at various times and through various forms, such as the registration process for access to services, online forms, surveys that are conducted or participation in contests, among others. The requested data will be needed to perform the service offered in each case. Your personal data will be collected under the responsibility of The Brotherhood. For the exercise of Rights of Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition (ARCO), in compliance with Organic Law 15/1999 of Protection of Personal Data, please contact the address
2.- Use of personal data collected by The Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood will use the data collected from users with promotional purposes, using in occasion of the collaboration of third parties that comes from the processing and handling of data, as well as international money transfers, all with the same purpose, the databases of The Brotherhood. We inform you that The Guild you want to send the user information. If you do not agree with the above treatments, please contact us at the address provided above. In case you have not received a reply for his part in the period of thirty days from the date on which you provided your personal data we will consider that you consent to the treatments described.
You may revoke your consent at any time and completely free of charge. To do this you must go to The Guild in writing, enclosing a photocopy of your D. N. I. or another substitute document that allows for their identification, at the above address.
3.- Use of cookies and other technologies
The Brotherhood uses cookies during browsing their web pages in order to personalize the service offered.
A cookie is a small data file that is installed in your computer, with no other purpose than to remind the provider to a previous access and power so directly provide information that is of interest and is up to date.
In any case, the cookies used by The Brotherhood allow you to discover your identity, or perform other operations that are not the mere control of the number of accesses to our services and content in a general way, to the development of new products and services that respond to the needs of our audience.
The user has the possibility to configure his browser according to the instructions contained in the same and in their manuals of the configuration, so that it will notify you of the receipt and acceptance of cookies. It must be remembered that, at times, the non-acceptance of the cookie can be assumed not to access to all the availability of the service or need to re-register each time you access a service that requires prior registration.
In respect of services provided by third-party vendors or people outside The Guild, see about the use of cookies by themselves and of the use you intend to do the same.
Other technologies
The Guild may collect and use the data concerning the type of browser that you use, the files you request, and the domain and country from which you request information with the purpose of improving our online service and better meet your needs.
4.- What measures are taken to ensure the security of the data
The Brotherhood guarantees the adoption of the technical and organisational measures to prevent your personal data will not be accessed, altered, modified or treated by unauthorized third parties.
In respect of the sensitive information you provide to access the service, and conducting transfers through credit cards, it must be encrypted, and in your case only provided by the user when they have the assurance that this is a secure web server.
The user must take into consideration that the Internet is not a completely safe place, and therefore has to adopt the necessary measures to prevent their information from being known to unauthorized third parties that might make improper use of their personal data.
It is the user save in a safe place, any user names and passwords that allow access to the services and content to which you have subscribed.
5.- Protection of minors
The Brotherhood does not normally collect personal data from children. However, if at any given moment, it is requested personal data of minors, The Brotherhood will take the necessary measures in order for the child to have that request prior authorization of their parents or guardians, with the purpose of avoiding an undesired action.
It must be remembered that not all of the services and content available through the Internet have the same measures, and that therefore it is necessary that parents and guardians to take adequate measures to prevent minors can obtain access to services or content or otherwise inappropriate for their proper development.
6.- Other considerations
The user must be aware that the use of New Technologies, and in particular the Internet and the services associated to the same must not involve an impairment of the rights and guarantees that you already have.
The Guild reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any time. Such changes will instantly appear on this website.
If you want more information or have any questions or suggestions regarding this matter can be directed to
7.- Intellectual and Industrial property
The web site, including, but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, designs, logos, text and/or graphics, are the property of the provider or if you have a license or express authorization by the authors. All contents of the website are duly protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property.
Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialisation, requires in any case prior written authorization by the provider. Any use not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the rights of intellectual or industrial property of the author.
The designs, logotypes, text and/or graphics outside the provider and that may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, being themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise regarding the same. In any case, the provider has express and prior permission for the same.
The provider recognizes in favor of his holders the corresponding rights of intellectual and industrial property, not implying their mere mention or appearance on the website the existence of any rights or liability of the provider on them, as either endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the same.
To make any kind of observation regarding possible breaches of the rights of intellectual or industrial property, as well as any of the contents of the website, you can do so via the e-mail of the owner of the website.