Primitive Image of the Virgin of the Head
On the origin of the original Image there are no news is certain. The different hypotheses state that was carved in wood, prior to the ELEVENTH century and possibly of byzantine style. Keep in mind that in the east were sculpted virgin black that brought the pilgrims to the West back of the holy places.
The little details certain is known of the old size, disappeared in 1936, from paintings of the SEVENTEENTH and EIGHTEENTH centuries and some of the photos, from the early TWENTIETH century, of the Image-dressed. In these representations, the robes of the Image are formed by a saya, reduced almost to the apron, and cloak for the Virgin and a robe for the Child that wraps around the bust of the mother and makes us postulate that both figures belong to a whole.

before its demise in 1939
Features icons that can be seen upon his garments, and we show that the Image of Mary, as a figure who holds the Divine Infant in her left arm, which is hidden, while with the right offers him an apple as a fruit of salvation, thus becoming the New Eve. The Child is in his left hand a small ball representing the world, and would symbolize the idea of Jesus as the Lord of all the earth, while the right arm rests hidden in the shoulder of the mother.
According to the testimony of Mr. Rafael Perez de Vargas and del Rio, conde de la Quintería and Older Brother 1920-1922, who can contemplate the Image, without their clothing, the described in byzantine style, with the head in a clear disproportion with the body, with the thin neck and the lower limbs very short, while sitting on a throne, being your actual height of about 35 cm and was mounted on a frame of wood which some called cube.
Current Image of the Virgin of the Head
The Image that do José Navas Parejo in 1944 after the disappearance of the old, is made of polychrome wood and braised in gold. The iconography represented, is the Mother and Lady sitting on a small seat without a back, holding the Divine Infant in her left arm, while with the right offers a small fruit reddish, interpreted by the people as a strawberry tree, given the abundance of this fruit in the sierra.
The Image of Mary wears crimson robe girt with a small cingulum or efed of vertical lines, the taste Hebrew, blue mantle stew in gold, in allusion to the Incarnation and Immaculate Conception and touched white lets see the dark haired split in two falling over the shoulders. The Child wears a tunic as clear as redeemer of the human race and carries in his left hand a golden sphere which represents the world and symbolizes the idea of Jesus man and saviour, redeemer of the human race, while with his right hand he shows us his Mother.
Stands out greatly in both figures, and that garment is the heart of his devotees brothers, the brown colour of his skin, that he has been given the affectionate name we all call it: "La Morenita".